Greening the Globe is a top priority for most nations and peoples. As the world transitions from carbon-based energy systems to battery and electrical ‘green’ energies systems the need for new energy technologies will be increasing in demand and so will the metals that are required to make this transition. It is paramount that nations discover and secure their own Critical minerals preferably in our own backyard. StrategX is looking for important elements like cobalt and copper in northern Canada. Check out our latest news, important information, and trends on the Green Transition.
The intent of the Green Report is to educate and create awareness about the green energy sector using the latest events and commentaries coming from news media outlets. The commentaries are not StrategX’s opinions and the reader is cautioned that the Green Report should not be considered for investment purposes directly related to the company and that its intention is to share and educate.
To learn more about the transition to green energy, please check out our Energy Transition 101 page by clicking below