Energy Transition 101
What are Critical Minerals?
The Canadian and United States governments have signed a Joint Action Plan on Critical Mineral Collaboration to enable greater North American production of minerals identified as critical to economic and national security.
Canada is primed to capitalize on the rising global demand for critical minerals, driven in large part by their role in the transition to a low-carbon and digitized economy. Essential for renewable and clean technology applications (batteries, permanent magnets, solar panels and wind turbines), they are also required inputs for advance manufacturing supply chains including defense and security technologies, consumer electronics, agriculture, medical applications and critical infrastructure.
Examples of Canada’s list of critical minerals include: Cobalt, Manganese, Nickel, Vanadium, Zinc and Uranium.
What are Energy Transition Metals?
Energy transition refers to the global sector shift from fossil-based systems of energy production and consumption (including oil, natural gas, and coal) to renewable sources like wind, solar as well as lithium-ion batteries. The increasing penetration of renewable energy into the energy supply mix, the onset of electrification and improvements in energy storage all all key drivers of energy transition.
Energy transition will continue to increase in importance as investors prioritize environmental, social and government (ESG) factors. To support this shift, metals such as copper, cobalt, lithium, nickel, manganese, PGEs, silver and other commodities will continue to be in strong demand.
Energy Transition Metals Significance
StrategX’s Elements Top 10:
Importance of Cobalt
Cobalt has been a popular choice for batteries because the metal increases battery life and energy density, which in the case of EVs mean range, by keeping the battery structure as stable as the battery is continuously charged and discharged.1
Other uses:
It is alloyed with aluminum and nickel to make powerful magnets
Jet turbines and gas turbine generators, where high-temperature strength is important
Cobalt is used in electroplating because of its attractive appearance, hardness and resistance to corrosion
Cobalt-60 is a radioactive istotope; it is an important source of gamma-rays widely used in cancer treatment in as a tracer for radiotherapy
Value of Cobalt
Current price of cobalt is: (USD/T) 34,180.002
Importance of Nickel
Nickel plays a huge part in the circular economy because it is recyclable. It can be repurposed again and again without losing its quality, meaning the nickel recycling industry can complement primary production.
Other uses:
Rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries and nickel-metal hydride batteries used in electric and hybrid vehicles
Nickel resists corrosion and is used to plate other metals to protect them.
Making alloys such as stainless steel, boat propeller shafts and turbine blades
Nichrome is an alloy of nickel and chromium and is used in toasters and electric ovens
Currency – long history of being used in coins
Value of Nickel
Current price of nickel is: (USD/T) 22,788 3
Importance of Vanadium
About 80% of the vanadium produced is used as a steel additive. Vanadium-steel alloys are very tough and are used for armour plate, axles, tools, piston rods and crankshafts. Less than 1% of vanadium, and as little chromium, makes steel shock resistant and vibration resistant.
Other uses:4
Batteries for EV and hybrid vehicles that allows to store more energy, more power can be charged faster
In Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (VRFBs), vanadium is used to create reliable, safe and stable solution of renewable energy
Nuclear reactors because of its low neutron-absorbing properties
Vanadium oxide is used as pigment for ceramics and glass, and as catalyst in producing superconducting magnets
In the medical space, Vanadium is used to treat a number of ailments, including diabetes, heart disease and high cholesterol.
Value of Vanadium
Current price of vanadium pentoxide flake (V2O5) is US$9.90/lb; an 8-year high5
Importance of Copper
Most copper is used in electrical equipment such as wiring and motors. This is because it conducts both heat and electricity very well and can be drawn into wires.
Other uses:
Building construction
Electrical and electronics
Transportation equipment
Consumer products
Value of Copper
Current price of copper – (USD/lbs) 3.8792 6
Importance of Molybdenum
Most molybdenum is used to make alloys. It used in steel alloys to increase strength, hardness, electrical conductivity and resistance to corrosion.
Other uses:
Engine parts, heating elements, drills and saw blades
Used as catalyst for the petroleum industry, inks for circuit boards, pigments and electrodes
Value of Molybdenum
Current price of Molybdenum – (USD/kg) 90.50 7
Importance of Zinc
Zinc has a broad range of applications and can be used in everything from metal production to human health. Key component used to galvanize metals such as iron, to prevent rusting and corrosion. It has high heat tolerance and moderate conductivity for heat and electricity.
Other uses:
Use to produce die-castings which are important in the automobile, electrical and hardware industries
Used in alloys such as brass, nickel, silver and aluminum solder
Zinc is widely used in the manufacture of products such as paints, rubber, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, plastics, inks, soaps, batteries, textiles and electrical component
Value of Zinc
Current price of Zinc is (USD/T) – 2,851.50 8
Importance of Silver
Silver is one the most important elements on Earth, and one of the most useful metals in modern-day society. Silver’s immense electrical and thermal conducting properties are perfect for electrical uses. It is a precious metal because it is rare and valuable, and it resists corrosion and oxidation.
Other uses:
Jewelry & Silverware
Electrical & Electronics
Coins and medals
Solar panels, mirrors
Medicine – antimicrobial substance
Value of Silver
Current price of silver is (USD/t.oz) – 21.631 9
Importance of PGEs
The PGEs are a family of six structurally and chemically similar elements that are most valued for their wide range of industrial, medical, and electronic applications. These versatile metals play a significant role in many of the products in everyday use.
Other uses:10
Several of the PGEs are used in jewelry (platinum, palladium)
PGEs are important catalysts in the petrochemical industry
Automotive industry uses platinum, palladium and rhodium in catalytic converters to treat exhaust emissions
PGEs metal alloys are used to make electrical contacts, electrodes, thermocouples and circuits
Iridium and platinum are used in medical implants and pacemakers
Value of PGEs (Palladium)
Current price of Palladium is (USD/oz) – 1,426.72 11
Importance of Manganese
Manganese is in high demand because of its applications in steel, battery and electric vehicle production.
Other uses:
Manganese is a key component in making steel; it increases strength, improves workability and resistance to wear
Batteries for EV and Hybrid vehicles - batteries made from nickel, manganese and cobalt (NMC) offer lower raw material cost, a reduced charging time and longer lifespan
Solar panel production
Electricity grid storage
Value of Manganese
Current price of Manganese is (CNY/T) is 32.50 or in (CAD/T) 6.47
Importance of Uranium
Uranium is a very important element because it provides nuclear fuel to generate electricity in nuclear power stations.
Other uses:
Use to produce isotopes for medical, industrial, and defense purposes
Used as coloring agents for ceramics
Used by military to power nuclear submarines and in nuclear weapons
Value of Uranium
Current price of Uranium is (USD/lbs) is 50.05 12
1 https://www.cnbc.com – “How cobalt-free batteries will bring down the cost of EVs” – Nov. 17, 2021
2 https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/cobalt
3 https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/nickel
4 https://www.australianvanadium.com.au/what-is-vanadium
5 https://www.vanadiumprice.com/
6 https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/copper
7 https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/molybden
8 https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/zinc
9 https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/silver
10 https://www.thoughtco.com/list-of-platinum-group-metals-608462
11 https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/manganese
12 https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/uranium